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- Location: Paignton Green
- Avro 504 Owned by The Cornwall Aviation Co. of St. Austel Circa. 1920 AERO 1015
- Avro Anson Year: 1940 AERO 1013
- Bleriot Type Monoplane Circa. 1920 AERO 1023
- Crowd at the Regatta Sports Circa. 1930 REGA 0019
- Crowd Scene at the Regatta Sports Circa. 1930 REGA 0017
- Gymnastic Displayduring the 1930s Circa. 1934 CARN 0071
- John Friend with Shetland Pony CARN 0051
- Joyce Halford and Joan Widdecombe Year: 1938 REGA 0013
- Lavender Blue Carnival Entry CARN 0075
- N early biplane flying above Paignton Green Circa. 1914 AERO 1025
- On the way to join the crowds at the Sports Event Year: 1931 REGA 0005
- Outside Radio Broadcast from Paignton Green Circa. 1935 REGA 0021
- Part of the Regatta Sports Crowd Circa. 1928 REGA 0011
- Section of crowd at Regatta Sports Event on Paignton Green Circa. 1930 REGA 0001
- Spectators by the tents used as aircraft hangers to service the aircraft Circa. 1920 AERO 1009
- St Marks Church Choir Circa. 1951 CARN 0077
- Stroll along the front during Regatta Sports Week Circa. 1930 REGA 0003
- Symons Gold Medal Cyder CARN 0081
- The Parade moves off Paignton Green CARN 0079
- Y.M.C.A. Carnival Float CARN 0067